Why Stan Lee is Basically George Lucas!

I’m back! With most of 1967 finished now! I’m really starting to get into the reading more now, and am enjoying some of the stories more then before.  I really think I just needed to get acclimated to the ’60’s style of writing. Or,  I just needed to get to a point that Roy Thomas was writing everything. LOL.

In all honesty, I think that has a lot to do with my increased enjoyment. My husband, C, put it perfectly when I was trying to explain why I prefer Thomas’s writing to Stan Lee’s. He said that Stan Lee is a lot like George Lucas. He’s AMAZING at world-building, big idea stuff. But when it comes to the details and the human relationships, he’s better when he has help. I think C nailed it. Stan and Jack Kirby created an amazing world with amazing characters within the Marvel 616. But when it comes to writing the day-to-day stories of those characters, Stan is better as an editor and not the writer.

With that said, let’s talk Avengers. I’ve now read through Avengers 42, but we’re only going to talk about Avengers #39 & 40 today. Like I said earlier, I’ve read most of the way through 1967, and I think we need to break it up over multiple posts! So…here we go!

avengers39In issue 39, the Avengers are captured by the Mad Thinker and his Triumvirate of Terror (Hammerhead, Pile Driver, and Thunder Boot). Cap is still gone, and everyone thinks Black Widow is a traitor. (We knows she’s not, obvi! But poor Hawkeye isn’t too sure.) Anyway, Mad Thinker succeeds in capturing all the Avengers and is holding them prisoner in Avengers Mansion. Just when it looks like he’s won, Hercules returns from a night on the town and saves the day. Guys, I love Hercules. He’s so powerful, and so full of himself. It’s like having Thor around, but with more self-importance. Where 60’s Thor can sometimes pull his punches literally and figuratively when dealing with mortals, Herc is always Herc. He goes full boar always, demolishing anything in his way (including Goliath’s training equipment) and constantly complaining that he’s not being challenged by the mortals and super-villains he fights. It’s what I imagine hanging out with Kayne West is like. Dude is totally in love with himself, but he’s so good, you kind of can’t fault him.

Another thing I love is the attention to continuity and the timelines paid in the early years. Right now, in Tales of Suspense, Cap is off chasing a lead that may take him to Bucky, and is undercover pretending to work with Red Skull. So, he’s missing from the Avenger’s adventures and they make mention of his exploits. It’s nice. It seems that so often with current comics, the timelines don’t add up, or characters are everywhere at once when stories are supposed to be taking place simultaneously. Wolverine, for example, spent years on the X-Men or Uncanny X-Force, but was also an Avenger, and had a least one current continuity solo series going on. No way he’s in all those places at once. It gets confusing…

I know it’s harder to do now that there are so many monthly on-goings. I get it. But it’s refreshing to read this older stuff and have the characters only on one adventure at a time. It grounds the 616 in a bit more reality. And that’s the end of my little rant.

xmen31Let’s talk about X-Men 31, shall we? Here, the X-Men battle Cobalt Man, and we get to see a bit more of our teenagers’ lives outside of their costumes. The Professor tries to play match-maker with Scott and Jean (You go, Chuck!!) by asking Scott to take some library books back to Jean at school on the boy’s night off. Warren offers to drive him (because, you know, dumb love triangle. GRR). Bobby and Hank head to the Village to see their girlfriends.

Meanwhile, Jean is on a date of sorts with Ted. They’ve met up with his older brother Ralph. Ralph is a scientist who is trying to create armor like Iron Man’s to give to the government. The three of them meet up with Scott and Warren for dinner, and then they go to Ralph’s labs. Warren doesn’t go, clearly seeing how into each other Scott and Jean are, and decides to go out on his own. (*insert happy dance here*)

While at the labs, Ralph, who has a concussion, tries on his suit for Ted and he loses it a bit. He goes crazy, and decides to go after Iron Man. Scott and Jean rush into action, and the Prof telepathically sends the other three to help them. They manage to stop Ralph before his suit blows up from radiation, and he comes to with no memory of what happened after he hit his head. But, in the last panel, Ted hints to Marvel Girl that he may know she’s really Jean Grey!

We’ll see how that revelation plays out going forward, especially if Ted begins to see Scott as a threat for Jean’s affections (which he should!) It’s a lot of fun to see Cyke and Marvel Girl fight together. We get to see the beginning of the spark these two grow to have on the battle field. They become a seamless pair in many ways, and this seems like a nice beginning. It’s also about time that Warren moved on from Jean, and it’s nice to see that happening. He meets up with his old friend Candy in this issue, and they seem to hit it off right away.

So, with that thought reassuring my Cyclops-loving heart, let’s head back over to NYC and Avengers Mansion, shall we? Avengers 40!  Cap is still gone, “working” with Red Skull. Widow is still undercover in the “Far avengers40East”. Wanda is bed-ridden. (The Mad Thinker caused her hex power to kind of back-fire on her last issue, and it’s messed her up a bit.) The Avengers receive a message from Cap that they need to try to go find the Cosmic Cube (for those who’ve seen the Marvel movies, this is what they call the Tesseract in the MCU). They head off towards the coordinates Cap left them, but meanwhile, Namor is headed there too. It seems there have been submarines in his neck of the ocean, and he’s not happy about it. He’s headed to the naval base to destroy all the subs. When the Avengers (plus Hercules) arrive, they battle Namor thinking he’s after the cube as well. Namor manages to get his hands on the cube, and is winning the battle, when his pride kicks in. He wants to fight Hercules on even terms to prove he’s better. During the battle, the Wasp manages to get him to drop the Cosmic Cube, but it falls into a crack in the ocean floor before anyone can get it. It lands near the Earth’s core, where it is discovered by Mole Man, who just as quickly tosses it away, not realizing what it is!!

This was a fun issue. I always love seeing Namor, and it’s fun to watch he and Hercules battle. They’re basically evenly matched strength-wise, and Namor’s ego could give Herc’s a run for it’s money. This is also the last issue in this trade, so we’ll be moving on next post!

X-Men #32 is the beginning of a two-issue arc, so we’ll talk about that next time. Just know, I’m about to get really excited about the return of a certain giant bad guy!

So, until next time, my lovelies…keep searching!

It’s Been A Long Time…

I shouldn’t have left you, left you, without a dope beat to step to, step to

Ok…so now that that’s out of my system! LOL. Let’s talk comics.

Things have been SUPER hectic in my life recently, so my goal of finishing the ‘60′s by Labor Day…well, it was laughable. But, I have read a bit more, so we can talk about the next arc in both X-Men and Avengers, and I’ll get my butt reading again now that things have calmed down a bit. I promise it won’t be so long between posts again, my loves!

Let’s start with Avengers today. Issues 25-27.

So, Issue 25 gives us our first look at one of my favorite Marvel villains. DR. DOOM!!!

This issue is kind of a stand-alone issue. The basic premise is that Dr. Doom kidnaps the Avengers in order to 1) lure the Fantastic Four into a trap and 2) intimidate the FF because, presumably, they’ll be more afraid of him if he’s already beaten the Avengers. So Doom tricks the Avengers into coming to Latveria by pretending that Pietro and Wanda have a long lost relative that lives there and the Avengers go to meet her. Once there, Doom takes them prisoner and puts a giant dome over the entire country so that they can’t escape. The US government won’t let the FF come to the rescue, so it’s up to our crazy foursome to defeat Doom themselves. And of course, they do. This is a fun little story, but not a lot happens. We do see that leading the Avengers is beginning to wear on Cap. He seems to long to end his hero-ing career and become Steve Rogers again, but also seems to understand that there isn’t much of a life for Steve Rogers to live so far removed from his own time. It’s nice to see SOME depth from at least one of these characters. It’s also nice to see a tiny crack in the shining armor of Captain America, something that makes him seem more human. But also, can we talk about the constant fighting between the Avengers? It’s SOOO annoying at this point. They’re constantly at each other’s throats, and I really can’t take it anymore. It’s really just Hawkeye fighting with everyone, but it makes me want to scream. So, on that note, let’s move on to issues 26 & 27. Lol.

This little arc starts with Steve showing the rest of the Avengers how to operate the new message system Tony Stark built for them. And of course, like always, Hawkeye is being a dick, and not listening, and fighting with Cap. This leads to an awesome little fight between Quicksilver and Hawkeye. Guys, for those of you who maybe don’t know a lot about these two characters, know that NORMALLY, Quicksilver would totally wipe the floor with Hawkeye. There’s just no way Hawks could hit Quicksilver with an arrow. But here, Quicksilver is clearly winning, and then slows down to brag, and Hawkeye catches him with an arrow. That’s when Cap finally steps in and ends the fight. It’s not that important to the story arc, but it’s a great few pages of fun, and I enjoyed every minute of reading it. But in the end, Hawkeye leaves to go out on the town, and isn’t happy at all.

We then cut to see Namor racing towards the shore, and past a ship carrying the Wasp and Giant-Man. Janet decides to fly to shore as the Wasp to warn the Avengers that Namor is coming, since it seems he’s looking for a fight. As she’s taking a break from flying, she’s captured by Attuma and we learn that Attmua is planing on conquering the surface world by raising the tides so high the whole earth is flooded. Janet’s able to shrink down, escape her cage, and radio the Avengers to let them know what’s happening. Cap, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver rush to her aid, leaving a message for Hawkeye on Tony Stark’s new machine to meet them since he’s not answering his signal ring. Who wants to bet Hawkeye won’t know how to work the machine because he wasn’t paying attention at the beginning of the issue? Well, you’d be right!

So, the Avengers end up on Attuma’s underwater ship, and are fighting for their lives. One of my favorite parts about this fight is that that Attuma and his men clearly see Wanda as the biggest threat. They knock her out fairly quickly, but it’s really nice to see her power getting some respect for once! Attuma manages to beat all three Avengers, but then pride gets the better of him. See, the Avengers can’t breathe very well in the super moist air Attuma has in his ship, so his followers are saying that he only won the battle because the Avengers were already weakened. Like all super villains, he can’t let this taunt go. So, he has the Avengers revived, gives them helmets that allow them to breathe normal oxygen, and then fights them again. This time the three Avengers work together and seem to be fairing better against Attuma, until Wanda uses her powers to bring down a pillar and it accidentally floods that whole section of the ship.

Back at HQ, Hawkeye finally returns to try and listen to the message. He can’t remember the code Cap told them, so he uses some other machine of Tony’s to get that memory back. While he’s in the machine, we see that someone is there watching him!! And that’s the end of issue 26!

Issue 27 starts with Hawkeye remembering the code and beginning to listen to the message Cap left for him. Suddenly, he’s attacked by the mysterious figure from last issue. He’s in some weird green suit with metal wings and purple suction cups on his fingers. We aren’t told who this guy is, or why he’s attacking, but Hawkeye eventually beats him and leaves him tied up in HQ so he can go help the others fight Attuma.

The fight on the ship continues, and Pietro gets himself shot out a torpedo tube in to the open water. He’s picked up by Hawkeye and the two of them finally find their way back to Attuma’s ship, fighting guard ships and a giant octopus along the way. Meanwhile, Cap and Wanda are beaten and brought before Attuma. Cap calls him a phony, saying he doesn’t have the power to raise the tides, thus tricking Attuma into showing them his tide machine before their execution. Wanda causes a diversion (by pretending to faint. *ewww*) and Cap breaks them free. They meet up with the other two who have arrived on the ship and are fighting for their lives. They beat Attuma and his men, and escape. During the battle, Cap managed to sabotage the tide machine so that it blows up.

But, before they can really celebrate their victory, they arrive back at HQ to find that the mysterious stranger Hawkeye left tied up there has escaped!! Also, there is NO mention of what the hell Namor was doing when Hank and Janet saw him. It’s weird and slightly annoying. Obviously our mysterious prisoner escaped to set up the next arc, but I’d like to know why we saw Namor at all!

But…let’s move on to X-Men. Issues 17 &18.

This arc picks up in the immediate aftermath of the Sentinel’s arc. The army is cleaning up the aftermath of the X-Men’s battle with the sentinels, and Cyke, Bobby, and Beast are taken to the hospital. Iceman is unconscious. There are some funny moments at the hospital where the doctors are trying to remove Cyke’s visor so they can examine his eyes and they won’t listen when he tells them he can’t take the visor off. And also when the doctors are trying to figure out how to treat the frozen Iceman, or examining Beast’s crazy big feet. It’s some lighthearted humor to undercut the emotional reveal that Iceman could be dying and the doctors don’t know how to treat him if he doesn’t thaw out.

While this is going on, Warren checks the school’s messages and learns that his parents are on their way to visit. He tries to stall them by having the Prof tell them they’re on a field trip and that finals are starting, but the Worthington’s are insistent. Professor X sends Angel back to the school to meet them while he and Jean watch over the others as they’re treated. Once Angel arrives at the school, he’s attacked by a mysterious villain who’s face we never see. He’s incapacitated and taken prisoner!!

The Prof realizes he’s lost mental contact with Angel, so he and Cyke head back to the school to check on him. Once there, they too are attacked and captured by our mysterious baddie. Things aren’t looking good for our X-Men!! Jean and Beast quickly notice that Cyke and the Prof are gone, so they also head to the school, after checking on Iceman, who is still in a coma. They are just as quickly captured by our bad guy, but not before Jean sees his face and clearly recognizes him (although we still don’t know who it is!) While back at the hospital, Iceman is getting worse (and his doctor is prescribing new, experimental medications), the remaining X-Men are being put into a giant metal ball attached to a hot air balloon. Our villain sends the balloon off, explaining that once it gets too high, it will pop, and the X-Men will plummet to their deaths trapped in the steel ball. Just as the ball drifts out of sight, Angel’s parents pull up to the school and ring the bell. The door is answered and we finally get to see who our bad guy is on the last page of the issue. And it’s…MAGNETO!! Seriously you guys, I’m SOOO excited to have Mags back. He’s the best. Especially ‘60′s Mags. He’s so ridiculously nuts. It’s glorious.

Anyway, issue 18 is where things get weird and crazy. First of all, we see Mags lift the entire school up to move it! I love seeing his raw power like that. Sometimes I think that some writers try to get too clever with how to stretch the idea of “magnetic powers” instead of focusing on just how scary powerful Magneto is. He doesn’t need his powers to manipulate things they shouldn’t be able to manipulate (as we’ll see in this issue). He’s just crazy powerful! Ok…where was I?!

So, Mag’s uses his magnetic powers to hypnotize the Worthington’s into going to sleep in one of the bedrooms. I know, I know, it’s a HUGE stretch to say his powers allow him to hypnotize people through “magnetic attraction”. This is what I was talking about with the stretching the things his powers can do. It’s dumb and a catch all to make him nearly unbeatable. It’s a deus ex machina so that he can capture the Worthington’s, but at the end of the issue, they won’t remember anything so the X-Men can remain a secret. It’s contrived and annoying, but it’s also not the last god from a machine we’ll be seeing in this issue, so pay attention!

Anyway, Mags is building a machine that will use the DNA of the Worthingtons to build new mutants! (WHAT?!?!) See, since the Worthington’s gave birth to a mutant (Angel) they clearly hold the DNA for mutation. I can get behind that reasoning. What I can’t get behind is that Mags can build a machine that will create living things from nothing but a scan of some genes, or that he can manipulate those genes into any power he wants. In my mind, I feel like the “X gene” (as it will come to be called later in continuity) is unique for each mutant and their powers. So the Worthington’s DNA only holds the markers to create Angel, and not an endless amount of different powers. But what do I know? At this point, we haven’t been told much about mutation and the science behind it, so I guess anything goes for now!

While all this is happening, the X-Men have woken up in their big steel balloon. Professor X has explained how Magneto escaped from the Stranger, leaving Toad behind, and came back to Earth with the sole purpose of destroying the X-Men. He’s also contacted Iceman, who is responding well to the meds his doctor tried, and gets him to leave the hospital, still weak, and go to the house to fight Mags while the other X-Men find a way to save themselves from the trap they’re in. Bobby manages to sneak into the school, find out what Mags is up to, stop the machine, and then fights Mags. It’s looking good for Bobby until he tries to trap Mags in an igloo and Mags seals Bobby in with him “magnetically” Can someone who knows more science then me please explain to me how you us magnetism to solidify ice? Seriously? It’s getting a little stupid with all these aspects to Mags powers that make no sense. It’s like the writers just said that he can do anything and they’ll just explain it using “magnetism”. GRR.

So, Cyke and Jean work together to get the steel ball back to the ground safely and then Cyke blasts them out of it and they race to Iceman’s rescue. They fight Mags for awhile before Professor X calls them off. He tells Mags that only he knew how to stop him for good. And then…our second god from a machine shows up in the form of The Stranger. You see, the Prof called him telepathically to come get Mags again. Seriously. It’s so dumb. The X-Men could beat Mags all together if the writers didn’t insist on giving him a ridiculous power set that makes no sense. But instead, they need another deus ex machina to save the story from the box they wrote it into. I’m more than little annoyed at this. Mags is a great foe, and will be forever. But having him be more powerful then he should be, so that the only option is to have the god-like Stranger come swoop him up again isn’t just lazy writing; it’s writing without regard to the whole story.

But anyway, Mags is gone, his machine and the mutants it was creating are destroyed, and the Worthington’s remember nothing! So everything’s A-OK at Xavier’s Institute! Hooray!!!

So, this entry is super long. I said in the beginning that I wasn’t going to give you long summaries of the issues because it would be too much work, but here I am, giving you fairly detailed summaries. This won’t be the case once we have more then 2 books to cover each month, just so you guys know. Once we’re into the 90′s and ‘00′s, there is just WAY too much to summarize everything. So, enjoy it while it lasts kiddos! And, until next time…Keep searching…

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