About the Search For Genosha

Hello! Thanks for stumbling into my blog. I hope you’ll like what you find.

I’m Jenn. I’m a 36 year old mom and wife with a slight obsession with the X-Men. I’m a Marvel girl at heart, and my comic knowledge reflects that. (Please don’t ask me anything about DC outside of the big 3! I’ll just embarrass myself!)

Searching For Genosha is my accounting of the biggest, most insane reading project I’ve ever taken on. I am reading every X-Men related comic Marvel has published, in publication order. This includes comics where X-Men or other mutants show up regularly (like certain runs of Avengers) and books about people who might not be mutants, but are vital parts of the X-universe (such as Carol Danvers). Basically, I’m going to be reading for the rest of my life!

Anyway, stop back to hear my ramblings about what I’m reading and what I think about it. And, if you’d like to see my list of everything I will read, check out the other pages at the top of the blog!

Thanks again for stopping by, my loves. Keep searching…

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