Back from the Dead…

Hello my darlings!!

Image result for back from the dead gif

So, it’s been over a year since I’ve posted. I’m really sorry for that.

At this time last year, my husband decided that he wanted a divorce. The last year has been a process of getting said divorce, learning how to co-parent our daughter, and me learning who I am outside of that 10 year relationship. With all of that going on, I just didn’t have the energy for blogging. And, tbh, since my ex was the one who originally got me into comics and encouraged me to start this blog, I really just needed to separate myself from it for awhile. But, I’m happy to say, I’m back and ready to get to work!

I’ll be spending today reviewing the old posts just to get myself back in the correct mind-frame for blogging, and then over the weekend I’ll get some reading done so we can start next week off with a brand new post!

If you’re still around and reading these, thanks for sticking with me! Until next time…

Keep searching!