New X-Swag!!


Hello, loves!!

So, part of the reason I was gone for so long before is because my 30th birthday was over Labor Day weekend! We had friends in town visiting, and had a blast showing them the CLE and spending time with them. But, because we had people visiting, we didn’t have my birthday party until this past weekend. And what a party it was! I rang in my third decade with C and our friends ’90’s style. It was glorious!

I tell you all this as a lead in to the actual reason for this post. My dear friend Matt gave me the most amazing birthday present this weekend. A little huge something to help me in my blogging endeavors! He gave me this beauty:

TAC Covers

It’s the most gorgeous book I’ve ever seen. “X-Men: The Adamantium Collection” It’s huge!!! Seriously, I took a picture of it next to a Marvel Masterworks TPB so you can see the scale of this thing.

image4This book collects all of the important moments in X-history, as well as amazing extras like artist sketches of new character designs, introductions and afterwards from writers and artists, variant covers, you name it.

The stories collected are some of my favorite X-Men arcs. Stories I’m dying to get to in the reading project, partly because I want to read them again, but mostly because I can’t wait to share them with you all! The book contains:

X-Men (1963) 1, 57-59, 141; Uncanny X-Men (1981) 142, 500; Marvel Graphic Novel 5: X-Men – God Loves, Man Kills; X-Men (1991) 1-3, 30; New X-Men (2001) 114-116; Astonishing X-Men (2004) 1-6; All -New X-Men 1-5

So my loves, I just wanted to show off my awesome new book, and to let you know another reading post is coming soon! I promise. But, until then, keep searching…

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