Looking Forward to the 1970’s

Hello, loves!!

So, I’ve read through The X-Men #8. That gets me through 1963 & 1964. I have to be honest, my main thought right now is that I can’t wait to get to the 70’s and Giant Size.

Don’t get me wrong, reading the origins of the original X-Men team and the original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is fun. But also tedious. No offense to Stan Lee, but the ‘60’s style of having characters describe everything that’s happening by saying it out loud doesn’t age well. (And yes, I’m aware this was still happening in the ‘70’s. For some reason it bothers me less. I really can’t explain why.) The other reason this older stuff is so hard to read (and in this aspect, the 70’s may not be any better) is the way the book handles women. Specifically, Jean Grey. I mean, she’s basically there to be hit on outwardly or lusted after secretly by every member of the team, including Professor X. She’s also the weakest member of the team by A LOT and is constantly being carried by either Angel or Cyclops. As a modern woman and a feminist, it’s hard to read. I mean, I get that it was the normal treatment of female characters at the time. I also anticipate that seeing this treatment evolve somewhat will be fun as the project continues. But it doesn’t make it any less cringe-worthy to read.

But enough about the style of writing. Can we talk more about powers? Because currently, Magneto apparently has the power of astral-projection and the ability to sense Professor X and other mutants “mentally” just like the Prof. WTH?!? Is this like, an actual thing? Or is this just another example of powers not being fully defined yet? I’ll keep you guys appraised of the situation, because I’m sure you’re all as weirded out as I am about it! Lol. Also, I’d forgotten that originally Jean’s powers manifested only as telekinesis and that her (*spoiler alert*) telepathy didn’t manifest until later on. I don’t know when exactly that happens tbh, so it’ll be a surprise when I get there!

Now, some of you may be wondering how I’m collecting all of these issues to read them. I made myself a list. Basically, anything I can get in trade, I will. And the largest collection I can get, the better. What I mean by that is, if something is available in 6 paperback trades or 1 omnibus, I’ll get the omnibus. It’s actually almost always cheaper that way! But, it wasn’t until the late 90’s or early 00’s that Marvel started collecting everything in trade. Prior to that, it was mostly just major arcs or storylines that got made into trades. So, the random issues not available in trade from, I’ll get in issue form. Luckily for me, CNJ has a pretty big collection of back issues. And for the ones they don’t have, I have a Marvel Unlimited subscription. For now, that’s how I’m reading this 60’s stuff. There are two omnibuses that Marvel put out collecting the original run, but they’re SUPER expensive since they’re currently out of print. If they’re ever rereleased, or I ever have enough to buy them at their current prices, I will. Until then, Marvel Unlimited has what I need. However, once I get to a point that I’m using trades for my reading, I’ll be sure to post pictures and let you all know which trades!!

That’s all for now my loves! So, until next time…keep searching!!

Original Tumblr Post: here

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