Finally, a Bit of Girl Power! (And Also, Hank Pym is a Jerk)

Hello, loves!!

I’m back to finish talking about all the reading I did last week! We’ve got 5 issues to talk about, so lets just jump right in, shall we?

Lets start with X-Men today! Issues #22 & 23 are a two issue arc in xmen22which Count Nefaria shows up with some super-powered henchmen to try to ransom Washington DC. Their plan is basically to capture the X-Men, and then either convince them to join the Count, or frame them. Nefaria’s henchmen are Plantman, Scarecrow, Porcupine, Eel, and Unicorn. He’s hired them to be his second-in-commands and to lead his Maggia crime gang. Anyway, they are able to kidnap the X-Men one by one as the kids leave the school for a vacation. The X-Men of course refuse to join Nefaria, so they’re held captive and framed for Nefaria’s plan.

Nefaria’s plan is this (and get ready, because it’s a little silly): He creates a giant dome around Washington DC. He then sends a projection of the X-Men to make a ransom demand for $100,000,000. It’s ridiculous. For real… But the X-Men decide to play along in order to save the city, so they go into the dome to “retrieve the ransom”. Because Nefaria doesn’t trust the X-Men, he sends his henchmen to watch them. But the henchmen decide they don’t want to work for Nefaria anymore, and attempt to double cross him by stealing the money from the X-Men once they’re outside of the dome. They fight the X-Men, and eventually Jean ends up with the money. She rushes it to Nefaria. While she’s turning it over to him, and stranger with his face covered shows up and destroys the machine that controls the dome. He also switches briefcases so that Nefaria flees without the money.

It turns out that the stranger is the Professor, who has created a device that will allow him to walk for short periods of time! I’m not even kidding. You might as well accept it now, because it’s going to be something he uses often for a little while. In the end, Jean gets a letter from home and announces she must leave the X-Men! Talk about a cliffhanger!

So, in this arc, there were some really silly plots. I mean, the idea of ransoming Washington DC in and of itself seems like something straight out of an Austin Powers movie! But it’s fun to watch the X-Men take on 5 super-villains at once and win. Everyone’s powers seem to be working exactly how they should be and no one has any weird new limits or abilities. So, that’s refreshing.

I think it’s interesting that Warren is still vying for Jean’s affections. At the beginning of the arc, as the kids are leaving for their vacations, Warren invites Jean to dinner in the city before she leaves. He is clearly asking her on a date. And she says yes!! But before my heart can break too much, she turns around and invites Scott to come with them!

It’s interesting that at this early point, both Scott and Warren are in love with Jean. She loves Scott at this point, but neither of them seems to notice that. Scott is convinced that she’s in love with Warren, and Warren seems to believe he still has a shot as well. It’s a silly little love triangle, but one the writers are handling well thus far. They’re not pitting Scott and Warren against each other, or having Jean play them both. Everyone’s just really bad at expressing how they really feel, just like real teenagers. It’s fun to read and will make it so much more satisfying with Scott finally gets the girl! (oops! Spoiler! *wink*)

So, lets move on to Avengers for a bit! Issue #31 takes us to South avengers31America to find out how this story line with Goliath is going to pan out! It’s also the first issue in our next trade! I’m done with Marvel Masterworks: Avengers Vol. 2. and am now on to Marvel Masterworks: Avengers Vol. 3! Seriously, I can’t describe how good it feels when I finish one trade and move on to the next. It actually lets me know I’m making a dent in this list, even if it’s the tiniest dent ever!!

That said, lets get back to the comics! The issue starts with Cap, Wasp, and Hawkeye heading for South America to find out what happened to Goliath. Wanda and Piertro are still in Eastern Europe trying to build their powers back up. (And I still think this is a really dumb story-line…) Meanwhile, Goliath and Prince Rey are trying to save Dr. Anton and stop the Keeper from losing control of the magical fire. During this time, Goliath realizes that Rey doesn’t actually want to put out the flames, but wants them for himself! So, Goliath takes off to stop the Keeper himself.

The rest of the Avengers show up, and they’re able to stop the fire and save Dr. Anton. On their way back to New York, Goliath talks to Dr. Anton about his condition. Dr. Anton doesn’t have any ideas, but does suggest that Goliath talk to another doctor he knows. A doctor named Henry Pym! HAHA!

This issue is a little nuts, and things never really slow down. But one of the best things about it is that the guys all treat Janet like an equal in a way we haven’t seen Wanda treated. While I’d like to see Wanda treated this way when/if she returns, it’s refreshing to see at least one of the female characters treated like an equal!

Of course, then we get to issue #32 and Hank ruins it.

In issue 32, Hank is working tirelessly trying to find a cure for himself. avengers32Janet is helping him until he decides he needs another scientist’s help. He enlists the help of Bill Foster, who is an employee of Tony Starks. Meanwhile, the Sons of the Serpent (SotS) are running around New York beating up immigrants and spreading xenophobic propaganda. Black Widow comes to Hawkeye to tell him what’s happening and to try to prove she’s trustworthy again.

That night, as he’s leaving Goliath’s lab, Bill Foster is attacked by the SotS because he’s black and in a nice neighborhood. Goliath finds him afterwards and vows to take out all of the SotS. He and the rest of the Avengers start to investigate them. Cap goes to see Nick Fury to see what info S.H.I.E.L.D. has on the info. This is the first time we get to see Nick in our reading! I’m so excited. I love Nick Fury. He’s such a dick, but almost always right. Anyway, while they’re investigating, the SotS attack the UN and then capture Cap. The Avengers pretend to be in support of the SotS in order to save Cap. And that’s where the issue ends! On that cliffhanger. I hate to do this to you guys…but we’ll be talking about the second half of this arc in the next post! I know, I know, I’m evil!!

This issue was fun, but also anvil-icious! I mean seriously, Stan Lee couldn’t have hit us over the head with this month’s message any harder. Prejudice and xenophobia are bad guys! (just in case you missed it!) But there’s also lots of good in this issue. This issue marks the very first time we see Hawkeye without his mask on! He’s a handsome devil, even if he is kind of a bro.

Also, we really get to see just how awful Hank Pym’s temper can be. He completely loses his shit on Janet when she tries to take care of him or help him. It’s really awful. And since I know what it’s leading towards, it’s also a bit like seeing the beginning of a car crash and knowing it’s going to happen no matter what. There’s no way to stop it.

But it’s not just Jan that Hank is awful to, although she does get the brunt of it. He barks orders at everyone and blows up violently at the slightest provocation. It’s this anger that makes Hank so interesting. He’s the most flawed Avenger, and because of that, in some ways the most human. But it doesn’t make it any easier to read. We’ll talk more about Hank as the series goes on. But for now, we need to hop back over to X-Men for a bit!

Issue #24 brings us the Locust. He is creating giant bugs to over run the xmen24country so that he can swoop in with his insecticide and save the day. The X-Men fight his giant bugs a few times and then eventually catch him. The professor convinces him he’s doing the wrong thing, and the Locust just gives up! It’s a fun little romp, and basically seems to serve as an “adventure of the month” just to advance some personal plot points for our mutants. Plot points like the following:

Jean is leaving. Her parents have enrolled her in Metro College since they feel it’s time for her to get a college degree. Afterall, the X-Men technically “graduated” from Xavier’s a while ago. This  departure allows both Scott and Warren to be sad at losing Jean, and we get to see that even now, none of these clueless teens seem to see how the others feel about them. Warren tries to cheer Jean up by letting her know that Johnny Storm goes to Metro too, but it’s an act that Jean sees right through. Meanwhile, both Jean and Scott are pouting about never having told each other their feelings.

But don’t worry my loves! Jean won’t be gone long! You see, Metro College is right in the city! So Jean can come visit whenever she likes. Which she does, just in time to help the boys out fighting Locust. Roy Thomas writes Jean so much more self-assured in her powers than Stan Lee did, and it’s a treat to read. She’s an equal in the fighting now. And she’s also the one who saves the day in this issue. (She realizes before anyone else that the Locust is using the antennae on his costume to control his giant beetles, and uses her powers to tangle them up, causing the beetles to attack the Locust instead of the X-Men.)  It’s also interesting to note that Werner Roth (aka Jay Gavin) draws Jean to be dressing in a much more sophisticated way once she’s at college. It automatically makes her seem older and more mature on her return to the mansion. It will be interesting to see how she continues to progress as a character under Roy!

Well, that’s all for now my loves! I have some more reading to do!! We’re almost done with 1966. I can’t wait! Until then, keep searching…

“Life Is Hard When You’re a Superhero”, Or Why I Love Scott Summers…

Hello, my loves!

So, I got a TON of reading done yesterday. Seriously. I read my way through like 10 issues (5 months of 1966!!). There’s a LOT going on in these 10 issues, and a couple different arcs, so I’m going to break them up into multiple posts, mostly for the sake of my own sanity. We’ve got some line-up changes in both books, as well as the return of some old friends and foes, so lets just dig in.

Avengers #28! This is sort of a stand-alone issue. By that, I mean that the main story doesn’t continue on into issue 29, but some of the plot points and loose threads do. This issue sees the return of Giant-Man and the Wasp to the Avengers. Hank Pym reveals his secret identity to the Avengers when he asks them to help him find Wasp, who has been missing since she warned the Avengers about Attuma in the last arc. It turns out she’s been captured by The Collector!! This is the first appearance of the Collector, and guys, I’m super excited. He’s such a creepy villain, and really interesting. (Also, I’m totally obsessed with Benicio Del Toro’s portrayal of him in the MCU!!) Anyway, Hank joins the Avengers (with a new costume and a new name! Say hello to…Goliath!) and they rescue Jan from The Collector and the Beetle. Turns out that’s who Hawkeye had tied up in the last arc. He disappeared because the Collector came and “collected him”.

The big take away from this issue is that Goliath and Wasp are back in the main Avenger’s line-up. Also, at the end of the issue, Goliath tries to shrink back down to normal size, but passes out and gets stuck at 10 feet. The issue ends with us not knowing what’s happened to Dr. Pym!

Possibly. But let’s be honest, we know he’s not!

Before we find out Goliath’s fate, lets jump upstate to Xavier’s and check in on our mutants!


Issues 20 & 21 give us the return of Lucifer, as well as the story of how he and the Professor originally met, leading to the Professor becoming paralyzed at the hands of Lucifer. We learn that Lucifer is an alien, but not from where he came. He’s trying to help his race take over the Earth and enslave the human race using a super computer and robots.

The X-Men are able to stop his robots, but before they’re able to deal with Lucifer himself, the leaders of his race step in and banish him to eternal exile for failing them. It’s actually kind of messed up. Remember when we talked about the Prof erasing memories and how it’s clearly a terrible thing but everyone acts like it’s totally okay, and preferable to death? This is another one of those things. Lucifer is banished to some realm with no sense of time or space, so he’s basically going to be stuck in a hell for all eternity. How is that better then killing him? It’s not. It’s totally messed up. And the only thing that makes it a little easier to swallow is that it’s the other villains that do this to him, and not our heroes. But just slightly.

Other things of note from this arc: First off, Roy Thomas’s first arc fits in seamlessly to the world Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created. His writing style is similar enough to Lee’s but he gives the characters a tiny bit more depth, which I love! Secondly, at the beginning of the arc, Scott decides to leave the X-Men. He feels like he needs to find a doctor to fix his eyes so that he’s no longer a “danger to everyone”. Here’s the thing…this is a little annoying to me, because I know that Scott will eventually grow into the great leader he’s meant to be, but it makes sense with his character thus far, and I really like it for that reason. Cyke’s biggest flaw is his martyrdom (at least for a few decades). He doesn’t see that he’s a born leader, or that he’s a good guy at heart. He only sees what he thinks is the curse of his eyes. They’re the reason he’s so sad all the time, and the reason he feels he can’t tell Jean how he feels about her. It’s pretty heartbreaking. It’s also what makes Scott one of my favorite characters. I’ve had many discussions with many fans over the years about Cyclops. There are a LOT of people out there that don’t like Scott. They think he’s too much of a boring, vanilla boy scout type.

Ten and I are judging the Cyclops haters

But I will argue for my ruby-eyed boy till I’m hoarse, because I think that analysis of him misses the whole point of Cyclops. Scott is a deeply flawed, severely scarred individual who has had a really hard, messed up life. We’ll be talking about this more as we learn more about his backstory, his family, and his relationships with Jean and especially the Professor! Just know that, if you don’t like Cyke, I will try to change your mind!  And, I’m judging you! LOL. Also, that was a REALLY long paragraph all about one mutant. Whew…I’m tired!

On that note, let’s hop back over the city and check on our mutant siblings and the rest of the Avengers!

Avengers # 29 & 30 bring us some old villains, and some new loves. This is a fun arc! First, we find out that Goliath is okay, but he is stuck being 10 feet tall. If he tries to change size again, the stress it puts on his cells will kill him. This leads to Hank storming off to pout for the first (but far from the last) time. This is also our first real example of Hank’s anger issues. Those will rear their ugly heads in the near future on more then one occasion.

Anyway, the main storyline here is that the Black Widow has returned to the US to try and defeat the Avengers. (She’s showed up in Tales of Suspense before. She was a Russian spy who falls in love with Hawkeye and then is captured by her communist handlers and taken back to “The East”). She’s been brainwashed into being a communist again, and enlists the help of the Swordsman and Power Man to take out the Avengers. The three of them manage to capture all of the Avengers except the Wasp and Goliath. The couple finally show up to save the others, and in the end, our villains escape because Hawkeye can’t bare to shoot his blast arrow at Natasha. He loves her too much.  Issue 29 ends with the Avengers heading back to HQ to regroup.

In issue 30, our Avengers split up a bit to take care of personal business while they wait to find where Black Widow, Swordsman, and Power Man have gone. Wanda and Pietro head off for Eastern Europe suddenly because they feel their powers are dwindling and think the answer to fixing them is at home. It’s very sudden, and not explained well. They’re mutants, so there’s no reason why their powers should be fading, but oh well.

Goliath takes off for South America to find a scientist that’s down there, who he believes can help him find a way to shrink back to normal size. Once he gets there, he learns that Dr. Anton has been kidnapped by a race of people living in a “forbidden land” who believe he’s there to steal their magic cobalt fire. Goliath attempts to rescue him and gets caught up in a war over the flames. It’s a little silly, but it IS fun to watch everyone freak out about the “giant” who has some to steal the magic fire.

And finally, Cap, Wasp, and Hawkeye track down our villains, and then Hawkeye insists on going after them on his own to make up for letting them escape. Hawkeye succeeds in defeating Power Man and Swordsman, with some last minute help from Black Widow. Apparently, her love for Hawkeye is so strong, it broke through the brainwashing! Yay!!

Notable things in this arc: Issue 29 gives us one of my favorite lines so far. Swordsman is carrying an unconscious Scarlet Witch and comments that she seems so frail and helpless. (GAG) The Black Widow immediately responds “So does an Asp…until it strikes”. I love it. On one level, Widow is reminding Swordsman not to be too relaxed about their enemies. On another level, she’s telling him (and thus the readers) that even though she’s a woman, Scarlet Witch is still a very formidable opponent. It makes this feminist happy to read. Especially in an arc where the women don’t get to do too much.

Also, Hawkeye has now decided to stop being such a dick (probably because Hank Pym is back to fill that roll *wink*). He and Cap are now all buddy-buddy, and I have to be honest, I think it might actually be more annoying then their fighting! I guess this is a classic “be careful what you wish for” moment!

Well my darlings, that’s all for now. I’ll be back soon so we can talk about what happens to Goliath in South America, as well as what’s going on at Xavier’s! Until then, my loves, keep searching…

Just a Quickie…X-Men #19

Hello loves!!

This is going to be a quick post about X-Men #19.


I wanted to post about it before I get into May of 1966, since those issues start new, multi-issue arcs for both titles and this is just a stand-alone issue. It is also the last issue written by Stan Lee. Staring with issue #20, Roy Thomas will be at the helm.

We salute you, Stan Lee!

So, in this issue the X-men fight Mimic. He’s basically a jack-ass with the power to “mimic” the talents, knowledge, and powers of anyone he’s close to. He decides to take on the X-Men to gain their powers so that he can retrieve a machine his father was building that would allow him to keep the powers he mimics forever, instead of them fading away when he’s no longer close to X-Men.

It’s a fun story. I have a few issues with it, and a few things I love about it. My biggest issue is that, yet again, Jean is a damsel in distress. Mimic kidnaps her in order to lure the rest of the X-Men to the mine where his machine is buried. It’s really frustrating to constantly get excited about character development for her, just to take two steps backwards. I wouldn’t even mind it so much if we were given a reason why Jean was the one captured. Like, maybe Mimic needs her telekinetic powers for the first phase of his plan. But no, we get no such reasoning. It’s just because she’s the girl, and thus the easiest to capture.

Nine is growing tired of this bullshit

On the other hand, her capture does allow for some of the story line that I loved! And speaking of love, Scotty-boy is in L-O-V-E you guys!! **SQUEE** I can’t begin to tell you how much I love Scott’s love for Jean, especially in the early days before he really tells her how he feels. It’s adorable, and he makes himself into such a martyr. I can’t help but fall for a guy who has those kind of issues. (I realize that I’m probably revealing a bit too much about myself right now, but oh well!) While sometimes, in the future, Scott’s blind devotion to Jean and his martyr act will become problematic, right now it’s just super corny and so sticky-sweet that it gives me cavities. And I love every second of it!!!

But enough about our young love birds. Let’s talk about powers again. Because in this issue, Professor X seems to be able to use his “mutant brain” to no only sense the presence of machinery, but also to effect in a way similar to how he effects people. This seems like a bit of a stretch to me. I find myself looking forward to the day that all of these character’s powers are named and given power sets that the writers adhere to for the most part. It’s becoming too convenient for the writers if Professor X or Magneto can basically do whatever they need to do and it’s all chalked up to “magnetism” or a “mutant brain” Also, according to this issue, Iceman has to worry about running out of ice? Since when? This has NEVER been mentioned before. I’ll be keeping my eye out for an instance where he either mentions it again, or he actually runs out of ice!!

And on that note, it’s time for me to leave you again my darlings. I must read the next arc of Avengers and X-Men! I can’t wait to see what Roy Thomas brings to the table. So, until next time, my loves! Keep searching….

The Lists…

Are finally up!  Check out the links at the top of the page in the menu for my Reading List and my Trade List…

Seriously, this feels like the other side of the mountain just getting these two things up on the blog. There’s no turning back now. This just got so real, and so awesome. So awesome, in fact, it calls for a Carlton Dance!

New X-Swag!!


Hello, loves!!

So, part of the reason I was gone for so long before is because my 30th birthday was over Labor Day weekend! We had friends in town visiting, and had a blast showing them the CLE and spending time with them. But, because we had people visiting, we didn’t have my birthday party until this past weekend. And what a party it was! I rang in my third decade with C and our friends ’90’s style. It was glorious!

I tell you all this as a lead in to the actual reason for this post. My dear friend Matt gave me the most amazing birthday present this weekend. A little huge something to help me in my blogging endeavors! He gave me this beauty:

TAC Covers

It’s the most gorgeous book I’ve ever seen. “X-Men: The Adamantium Collection” It’s huge!!! Seriously, I took a picture of it next to a Marvel Masterworks TPB so you can see the scale of this thing.

image4This book collects all of the important moments in X-history, as well as amazing extras like artist sketches of new character designs, introductions and afterwards from writers and artists, variant covers, you name it.

The stories collected are some of my favorite X-Men arcs. Stories I’m dying to get to in the reading project, partly because I want to read them again, but mostly because I can’t wait to share them with you all! The book contains:

X-Men (1963) 1, 57-59, 141; Uncanny X-Men (1981) 142, 500; Marvel Graphic Novel 5: X-Men – God Loves, Man Kills; X-Men (1991) 1-3, 30; New X-Men (2001) 114-116; Astonishing X-Men (2004) 1-6; All -New X-Men 1-5

So my loves, I just wanted to show off my awesome new book, and to let you know another reading post is coming soon! I promise. But, until then, keep searching…

It’s Been A Long Time…

I shouldn’t have left you, left you, without a dope beat to step to, step to

Ok…so now that that’s out of my system! LOL. Let’s talk comics.

Things have been SUPER hectic in my life recently, so my goal of finishing the ‘60′s by Labor Day…well, it was laughable. But, I have read a bit more, so we can talk about the next arc in both X-Men and Avengers, and I’ll get my butt reading again now that things have calmed down a bit. I promise it won’t be so long between posts again, my loves!

Let’s start with Avengers today. Issues 25-27.

So, Issue 25 gives us our first look at one of my favorite Marvel villains. DR. DOOM!!!

This issue is kind of a stand-alone issue. The basic premise is that Dr. Doom kidnaps the Avengers in order to 1) lure the Fantastic Four into a trap and 2) intimidate the FF because, presumably, they’ll be more afraid of him if he’s already beaten the Avengers. So Doom tricks the Avengers into coming to Latveria by pretending that Pietro and Wanda have a long lost relative that lives there and the Avengers go to meet her. Once there, Doom takes them prisoner and puts a giant dome over the entire country so that they can’t escape. The US government won’t let the FF come to the rescue, so it’s up to our crazy foursome to defeat Doom themselves. And of course, they do. This is a fun little story, but not a lot happens. We do see that leading the Avengers is beginning to wear on Cap. He seems to long to end his hero-ing career and become Steve Rogers again, but also seems to understand that there isn’t much of a life for Steve Rogers to live so far removed from his own time. It’s nice to see SOME depth from at least one of these characters. It’s also nice to see a tiny crack in the shining armor of Captain America, something that makes him seem more human. But also, can we talk about the constant fighting between the Avengers? It’s SOOO annoying at this point. They’re constantly at each other’s throats, and I really can’t take it anymore. It’s really just Hawkeye fighting with everyone, but it makes me want to scream. So, on that note, let’s move on to issues 26 & 27. Lol.

This little arc starts with Steve showing the rest of the Avengers how to operate the new message system Tony Stark built for them. And of course, like always, Hawkeye is being a dick, and not listening, and fighting with Cap. This leads to an awesome little fight between Quicksilver and Hawkeye. Guys, for those of you who maybe don’t know a lot about these two characters, know that NORMALLY, Quicksilver would totally wipe the floor with Hawkeye. There’s just no way Hawks could hit Quicksilver with an arrow. But here, Quicksilver is clearly winning, and then slows down to brag, and Hawkeye catches him with an arrow. That’s when Cap finally steps in and ends the fight. It’s not that important to the story arc, but it’s a great few pages of fun, and I enjoyed every minute of reading it. But in the end, Hawkeye leaves to go out on the town, and isn’t happy at all.

We then cut to see Namor racing towards the shore, and past a ship carrying the Wasp and Giant-Man. Janet decides to fly to shore as the Wasp to warn the Avengers that Namor is coming, since it seems he’s looking for a fight. As she’s taking a break from flying, she’s captured by Attuma and we learn that Attmua is planing on conquering the surface world by raising the tides so high the whole earth is flooded. Janet’s able to shrink down, escape her cage, and radio the Avengers to let them know what’s happening. Cap, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver rush to her aid, leaving a message for Hawkeye on Tony Stark’s new machine to meet them since he’s not answering his signal ring. Who wants to bet Hawkeye won’t know how to work the machine because he wasn’t paying attention at the beginning of the issue? Well, you’d be right!

So, the Avengers end up on Attuma’s underwater ship, and are fighting for their lives. One of my favorite parts about this fight is that that Attuma and his men clearly see Wanda as the biggest threat. They knock her out fairly quickly, but it’s really nice to see her power getting some respect for once! Attuma manages to beat all three Avengers, but then pride gets the better of him. See, the Avengers can’t breathe very well in the super moist air Attuma has in his ship, so his followers are saying that he only won the battle because the Avengers were already weakened. Like all super villains, he can’t let this taunt go. So, he has the Avengers revived, gives them helmets that allow them to breathe normal oxygen, and then fights them again. This time the three Avengers work together and seem to be fairing better against Attuma, until Wanda uses her powers to bring down a pillar and it accidentally floods that whole section of the ship.

Back at HQ, Hawkeye finally returns to try and listen to the message. He can’t remember the code Cap told them, so he uses some other machine of Tony’s to get that memory back. While he’s in the machine, we see that someone is there watching him!! And that’s the end of issue 26!

Issue 27 starts with Hawkeye remembering the code and beginning to listen to the message Cap left for him. Suddenly, he’s attacked by the mysterious figure from last issue. He’s in some weird green suit with metal wings and purple suction cups on his fingers. We aren’t told who this guy is, or why he’s attacking, but Hawkeye eventually beats him and leaves him tied up in HQ so he can go help the others fight Attuma.

The fight on the ship continues, and Pietro gets himself shot out a torpedo tube in to the open water. He’s picked up by Hawkeye and the two of them finally find their way back to Attuma’s ship, fighting guard ships and a giant octopus along the way. Meanwhile, Cap and Wanda are beaten and brought before Attuma. Cap calls him a phony, saying he doesn’t have the power to raise the tides, thus tricking Attuma into showing them his tide machine before their execution. Wanda causes a diversion (by pretending to faint. *ewww*) and Cap breaks them free. They meet up with the other two who have arrived on the ship and are fighting for their lives. They beat Attuma and his men, and escape. During the battle, Cap managed to sabotage the tide machine so that it blows up.

But, before they can really celebrate their victory, they arrive back at HQ to find that the mysterious stranger Hawkeye left tied up there has escaped!! Also, there is NO mention of what the hell Namor was doing when Hank and Janet saw him. It’s weird and slightly annoying. Obviously our mysterious prisoner escaped to set up the next arc, but I’d like to know why we saw Namor at all!

But…let’s move on to X-Men. Issues 17 &18.

This arc picks up in the immediate aftermath of the Sentinel’s arc. The army is cleaning up the aftermath of the X-Men’s battle with the sentinels, and Cyke, Bobby, and Beast are taken to the hospital. Iceman is unconscious. There are some funny moments at the hospital where the doctors are trying to remove Cyke’s visor so they can examine his eyes and they won’t listen when he tells them he can’t take the visor off. And also when the doctors are trying to figure out how to treat the frozen Iceman, or examining Beast’s crazy big feet. It’s some lighthearted humor to undercut the emotional reveal that Iceman could be dying and the doctors don’t know how to treat him if he doesn’t thaw out.

While this is going on, Warren checks the school’s messages and learns that his parents are on their way to visit. He tries to stall them by having the Prof tell them they’re on a field trip and that finals are starting, but the Worthington’s are insistent. Professor X sends Angel back to the school to meet them while he and Jean watch over the others as they’re treated. Once Angel arrives at the school, he’s attacked by a mysterious villain who’s face we never see. He’s incapacitated and taken prisoner!!

The Prof realizes he’s lost mental contact with Angel, so he and Cyke head back to the school to check on him. Once there, they too are attacked and captured by our mysterious baddie. Things aren’t looking good for our X-Men!! Jean and Beast quickly notice that Cyke and the Prof are gone, so they also head to the school, after checking on Iceman, who is still in a coma. They are just as quickly captured by our bad guy, but not before Jean sees his face and clearly recognizes him (although we still don’t know who it is!) While back at the hospital, Iceman is getting worse (and his doctor is prescribing new, experimental medications), the remaining X-Men are being put into a giant metal ball attached to a hot air balloon. Our villain sends the balloon off, explaining that once it gets too high, it will pop, and the X-Men will plummet to their deaths trapped in the steel ball. Just as the ball drifts out of sight, Angel’s parents pull up to the school and ring the bell. The door is answered and we finally get to see who our bad guy is on the last page of the issue. And it’s…MAGNETO!! Seriously you guys, I’m SOOO excited to have Mags back. He’s the best. Especially ‘60′s Mags. He’s so ridiculously nuts. It’s glorious.

Anyway, issue 18 is where things get weird and crazy. First of all, we see Mags lift the entire school up to move it! I love seeing his raw power like that. Sometimes I think that some writers try to get too clever with how to stretch the idea of “magnetic powers” instead of focusing on just how scary powerful Magneto is. He doesn’t need his powers to manipulate things they shouldn’t be able to manipulate (as we’ll see in this issue). He’s just crazy powerful! Ok…where was I?!

So, Mag’s uses his magnetic powers to hypnotize the Worthington’s into going to sleep in one of the bedrooms. I know, I know, it’s a HUGE stretch to say his powers allow him to hypnotize people through “magnetic attraction”. This is what I was talking about with the stretching the things his powers can do. It’s dumb and a catch all to make him nearly unbeatable. It’s a deus ex machina so that he can capture the Worthington’s, but at the end of the issue, they won’t remember anything so the X-Men can remain a secret. It’s contrived and annoying, but it’s also not the last god from a machine we’ll be seeing in this issue, so pay attention!

Anyway, Mags is building a machine that will use the DNA of the Worthingtons to build new mutants! (WHAT?!?!) See, since the Worthington’s gave birth to a mutant (Angel) they clearly hold the DNA for mutation. I can get behind that reasoning. What I can’t get behind is that Mags can build a machine that will create living things from nothing but a scan of some genes, or that he can manipulate those genes into any power he wants. In my mind, I feel like the “X gene” (as it will come to be called later in continuity) is unique for each mutant and their powers. So the Worthington’s DNA only holds the markers to create Angel, and not an endless amount of different powers. But what do I know? At this point, we haven’t been told much about mutation and the science behind it, so I guess anything goes for now!

While all this is happening, the X-Men have woken up in their big steel balloon. Professor X has explained how Magneto escaped from the Stranger, leaving Toad behind, and came back to Earth with the sole purpose of destroying the X-Men. He’s also contacted Iceman, who is responding well to the meds his doctor tried, and gets him to leave the hospital, still weak, and go to the house to fight Mags while the other X-Men find a way to save themselves from the trap they’re in. Bobby manages to sneak into the school, find out what Mags is up to, stop the machine, and then fights Mags. It’s looking good for Bobby until he tries to trap Mags in an igloo and Mags seals Bobby in with him “magnetically” Can someone who knows more science then me please explain to me how you us magnetism to solidify ice? Seriously? It’s getting a little stupid with all these aspects to Mags powers that make no sense. It’s like the writers just said that he can do anything and they’ll just explain it using “magnetism”. GRR.

So, Cyke and Jean work together to get the steel ball back to the ground safely and then Cyke blasts them out of it and they race to Iceman’s rescue. They fight Mags for awhile before Professor X calls them off. He tells Mags that only he knew how to stop him for good. And then…our second god from a machine shows up in the form of The Stranger. You see, the Prof called him telepathically to come get Mags again. Seriously. It’s so dumb. The X-Men could beat Mags all together if the writers didn’t insist on giving him a ridiculous power set that makes no sense. But instead, they need another deus ex machina to save the story from the box they wrote it into. I’m more than little annoyed at this. Mags is a great foe, and will be forever. But having him be more powerful then he should be, so that the only option is to have the god-like Stranger come swoop him up again isn’t just lazy writing; it’s writing without regard to the whole story.

But anyway, Mags is gone, his machine and the mutants it was creating are destroyed, and the Worthington’s remember nothing! So everything’s A-OK at Xavier’s Institute! Hooray!!!

So, this entry is super long. I said in the beginning that I wasn’t going to give you long summaries of the issues because it would be too much work, but here I am, giving you fairly detailed summaries. This won’t be the case once we have more then 2 books to cover each month, just so you guys know. Once we’re into the 90′s and ‘00′s, there is just WAY too much to summarize everything. So, enjoy it while it lasts kiddos! And, until next time…Keep searching…

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A Long Weekend…And Sentinels!!

Hello my loves!

I’m sorry it’s been a little bit since my last post. I had a long weekend this past weekend, and we had family visiting from out of town, so it was hard to find time to read, let alone write! But, we’re back in action now! So get ready for some fun and some iconic story lines!

Today we’re going to talk about an arc for each of our two titles. This will take us through The X-Men #14-16 and Avengers #23 & 24. It also lands us in January of 1966! We’ll get out of the ‘60′s if it kills me! My goal is to be into the ‘70′s by Labor Day. Let’s see if I can maintain that pace!


So, X-Men. This 3 issue arc is a biggie, kids. It’s the first appearance of the Sentinels!! If you’re not a big comic fan, but you’ve seen the X-Men movies, please know that while they were, in fact, created by Dr. Bolivar Trask, these are not Bryan Singer’s sentinels! These are huge, lumbering, ridiculous hunks of red and blue steel. And they’re glorious! Take a look for yourselves:


So, this arc starts with Professor X appearing on TV to debate Dr. Bolivar Trask about the danger of mutants. Trask introduces his Sentinels, which he’s designed to protect humanity from the “mutant threat” But, the Sentinels immediately turn on Trask, taking him prisoner and declaring that in order to protect humanity, they must rule it. As the X-Men, who are all on vacations separately, rush to the Prof’s aid, the Sentinels begin to leave with Trask. Our mutant teens and their mysterious leader follow the Sentinels, and the next two issues consist of awesomeness as they attempt to penetrate the Sentinel’s defenses, stop the Master Mold (basically the King Sentinel) from creating any more Sentinels, and save Dr. Trask. Let’s see how this goes down…

Bobby and Hank get taken hostage. Whoops! The other three break into the base to save them, leaving Prof. X outside alone. The other three get taken prisoner just as they rescue Bobby from his cell. (Not going too well so far…) Eventually all 5 are reunited. As they attempt to fight their way through the Sentinels, Professor X figures out that some crystal will basically short circuit them, so he brings the crystal and shuts them all down. At the same time, Trask apparently sees the error of his ways and sacrifices himself to destroy the whole complex and all the sentinels within. The X-Men barely escape the collapsing building in time! It’s all really fun to read, and here are some notable things to mention:

First off, after all my talk about the way the writers treat the females on their superhero teams, Jean is really starting to show a bit of a backbone and also her true potential as far as her powers go. This arc introduces her ability to levitate herself, allowing her to float through the air. It also has her falling a Sentinel on her own (something no other X-Man accomplishes), saving herself, Angel, and Cyke from the burning fortress, and then saving them all again by unlocking a hidden door telekinetically. It’s awesome! She also puts both Hank and Scott in their places when they try to treat her like a damsel in distress instead of an equal member of the team. I love it! This is the Jean I love. As I’m sure you’ll see as we go along, I have a love/hate relationship with Jean Grey. Basically, I love her to the ends of the earth, but sometimes I want to slap her for being a doormat. It’s frustrating, but also makes reading this old stuff so much more enjoyable, because I get to see her grow up and progress as a character.


Also notable: Though his creations with be around to hunt the X-Men for decades to come in one form or another, it’s interesting that Bolivar Trask himself only lasts these three issues before dying. It’s also interesting to me that a man that published multiple articles decrying the “Mutant Menace” and who’s fanaticism led him to create the Sentinels in the first place, would suddenly change his mind and want to save mutants just because Hank McCoy explained that the X-Men’s purpose was to protect humanity from evil mutants. It’s a bit far-fetched. But, we’ll later learn that, although he created the Sentinels, Bolivar Trask is FAR from the most fanatical mutant-hater in the X-Men’s world!

Also…Cyke RIDES Angel into battle, guys. No joke. It’s amazingly hilarious. In fact, I’m going to leave you with that image as we make our way over to Avengers…


In Avengers 23 & 24, we meet another iconic villain! Kang the Conqueror!! Avenger’s fans met him before in issue #8, but this is the first time we’re meeting him in our reading. Guys, Kang’s a fairly big deal in the Avengers/Fantastic Four side of Marvel, and this is a really interesting arc.


In order to prove his invincibility and win over the Princess he loves, Kang kidnaps the Avengers (minus Cap. Remember, he left at the end of the last issue!) He takes them to the future where he resides, and proceeds follow their progress through his base, which seems to be a gigantic maze/obstacle course designed to defeat the heroes. Suddenly, Cap shows up. He apparently used something called a Recreater (?!?) to find out who took the Avengers, and then all but dares Kang to bring Cap into the future too. Kang takes the challenge, and Cap shows up to re-inspire our team. They manage to surround Kang, who then tells his armies to attack the city. The Avengers rally with the local people to try and stop the invasion. But, instead, Kang’s generals turn on him and Kang agrees to free the city and return the Avengers to their own time safely if they’ll help him save the princess from his generals. They manage it, and Kang, surprisingly, keeps his word. But, at the last minute, just as the Princess is about to confess she loves Kang just as he loves her, one of the captured generals attempts to murder Kang and hits her instead, killing her. I don’t know about you guys, but I wouldn’t want to be ANYWHERE near Kang right now!

This arc gives us the re-emergence of Captain America as the leader of the Avengers (as if we had any doubts he’d be back almost right away!) It also shows us that, while Jean may be getting stronger and demanding more respect from her male counterparts, Wanda is still being written as a pretty face for Hawkeye to flirt with. Occasionally she gets to be equal to the guys. I mean, she is the one who rescues them from the glass tubes Kang is holding them in. But the effort weakens her to the extent that Hawkeye must carry her around for a bit. In fact, Hawkeye is so obnoxious in his flirting, that in this little, 2 issue arc alone, he calls Wanda all of the following instead of Wanda or Scarlet Witch: Gorgeous, Dreamboat, Baby, Doll, and Lady. I mean seriously. I get that this version of Hawk likes to call people nicknames, but at least his nicknames for the other male Avengers have something to do with either their costumes or their powers (Wings for Cap and Speedy for Pietro). But Wanda is just another chick for him to hit on. One of these days, I’d love to see her hex him really good! It’d serve him right! On the other hand though, Pietro and Steve seem to be treating her more and more like an equal with each passing issue. So, that’s something, I guess!


I also want to bring up the race issue again in regards to this Avengers arc. While Kang himself is white, it’s important to note that all of his generals are drawn as Asian. Most have Fu Manchu beards, and darker complexions. They seem to fall into the same stereotype as the Mandarin did. It’s important to note this because they end up being the real villains of the story. They’re the ruthless killers who would sacrifice Kang’s beloved Princess and her kingdom (who all seem to be, notably, white) causing Kang to team up with our Avengers. So, we have our all-white Avengers team fighting with the all-white nation and the white conqueror against the uncouth, dis-loyal, Asian generals. This kind of casual racism is going to be around in our reading for a bit. It changes, if not exactly improves, as the decades go on. Don’t be surprised when I point it out. It’s hard to read as a modern reader. Especially in this context, there the villains were never said to specifically be Asian. This appears to just be the artist’s choice. That, to me, says a lot about the 1960′s and the racial biases within the US at that time. And, as time moves on, we’ll see those biases shift and change. Historically, it makes sense that, if the villains weren’t going to be white like everyone else, they would appear Asian. In 1966, the US was in the middle of the Vietnam War. It makes sense that the villains in comics at that time would look like the “enemy” the US was fighting. It doesn’t make it any less racist, just fitting within a historical context. It’ll be interesting to see how this shifts as the Vietnam War ends and as the Cold War reaches a fever-pitch.

On that note, it’s time for me to wrap this up. I hope you guys are enjoying this ride as much as I am! And until next time, my loves…keep searching!

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New Trades and New Villains

Welcome back, my loves!

Over the weekend, I did a little shopping at Carol & John’s, and did lots of reading. We’re really starting to get to some good stuff! I’m excited to get into it!! First off, as promised, let me tell you about the trade I got.


Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers Vol. 3. It contains Avengers 21-30. Now, for those of us who aren’t very familiar with Marvel’s trades, Marvel Masterworks are a bit pricier than most other trades. For example, this paperback version was $25. However, they are worth every penny! (In my opinion, at least!!) They a gorgeous! I mean, take a look at it, it’s so pretty!!


So, obviously, this is how I’m reading Avengers for the next 10 issues. (I’m still reading X-Men on Marvel Unlimited) And speaking of the reading, we’ll be covering things in arcs going forward, instead of going back and forth between Avengers and X-Men each month. I’m reading the titles in their monthly order, but for sake of keeping these posts clear, we’ll talk about them in arcs. So, without further ado…


X-Men 12 & 13!! Here we meet Professor X’s step-brother Cain Marko, better known as the Juggernaut! You guys, I love Juggernaut. He’s just so ridiculous in his hatred for Charles, it’s awesome. Also, he’s crazy powerful. It’s a great combo! These two issues give us Juggernaut’s first appearance, as he shows up at the school to attack Xavier and the battle leaves basically everyone but Jean and the Prof injured. This time, they actually turn the bad guy over to the police too (although how long normal police hope to keep Juggernaut in jail is questionable)!


Some observations from this little arc… First off, let’s talk about Scott’s powers. There seems to be no set level for them. In issue 12, he uses them to gouge a huge trench all along the inside of the school walls in preparation for Juggernaut’s arrival. This monumental feat seems to barely wind our fearless leader, and yet in prior issues, just shooting a bad guy for 2 seconds at full blast has left Scott unconscious! And in Issue 13, he uses his power at full blast against Juggernaut without much problem, but then suddenly needs “a few minutes” for his power beam to recharge. It’s a little confusing, so I look forward to seeing how his powers and their limits take shape as the series progresses. Also, apparently Professor X can use his telepathy to form a “mental shield” around himself strong enough to at least temporarily slow down Juggernaut. This is the first we’ve seen of this power, so let’s keep an eye out for it as we continue. It’s a cool idea, especially since, at least right now, Magneto has the ability to do this using his magnetic powers, and it seems Stan Lee and the rest of the team want to keep the Prof and Mags fairly evenly matched (assuming Mags ever makes it back from his capture by the Stranger! *wink*)

Also cool: in issue 13 we get a quick cameo from Matt Murdock, and a longer one from the Human Torch himself, Johnny Storm, who comes to the X-Men’s aid to help defeat Juggernaut! On a final note, I have a confession to make to you guys. And this is a little embarrassing since I consider myself a huge X-Men fan and a fairly knowledgeable one at that…I had TOTALLY FORGOTTEN that Cain Marko isn’t a mutant, but instead got his powers from black magic. WTH?!? How I forgot that *minor* detail is beyond me. But, it’s true…whoops!


Professor X gives us Juggernaut’s backstory (and also part of his own) in issue 12 as Juggernaut slowly makes his way towards the school. And apparently Cain and Charles stumbled into the lost Temple of Cyttorak in Korea while serving in the war. Once inside, Cain touched the forbidden ruby, which transformed him into The Juggernaut. It’s crazy, and I feel like it’s totally nuts that I forgot that! In fact, I’m so embarrassed, that we must move on now…


Meanwhile, over at Avenger’s headquarters, our fab four have been really busy. Issues 19 & 20 have the team battling the Swordsman. (Who, incidentally, happens to have trained Hawkeye!) These issues have Cap being duped yet again (Seriously, someone needs to tell the star-spangled Avenger he can’t be so trusting), this time by the Swordsman. He is attempting to kidnap an Avenger to prove he is worthy of joining the team. He captures Cap and holds him hostage, tied up on the top of a building, and threatens to push him to his death if the other Avengers don’t agree to make him the team leader. In very typical Cap fashion, Steve throws himself off the building to save his teammates from having to surrender! And that’s how issue 19 ends! Talk about a cliff-hanger!

But of course, in issue 20, the other Avengers save Cap by working together and they all go after the Swordsman. Just as they get him pinned down, he suddenly disappears. Turns out the Mandarin transported him to China! He wants Swordsman to join the Avengers and then plant a bomb in their HQ so that Mandarin can blow them up whenever Iron Man decides to show up again. Yeah, it’s a pretty silly plan. But, they go through with it, convincing the Avengers to accept Swordsman by projecting an image of Iron Man to tell them he vouches for Swordsman. He plants the bomb, but at the last minute, changes his mind and attempts to stop the plan for no real reason. He gets the bomb out of there just as the Mandarin is detonating it (having chosen to attack immediately instead of waiting for Iron Man, again for no reason)

This was a fun, if silly, arc. I was struck by how much fighting goes on between the Avengers, with Wanda always playing peace-keeper. All three of the guys have hot tempers and all three feel they should be the leader. What’s also interesting is that, despite the fact that she’s the only one with a cool, level head, no one ever even mentions the idea of Wanda leading. (Can’t imagine why that would be.) It seems to me the Scarlet Witch would be a more rational leader than Hawkeye or Quicksilver! Just saying… Also, can we talk about the ridiculously politically-incorrect racial stereotypes in ‘60’s comics? I mean, the Mandarin’s depiction as a crazy, sneaky, Fu Manchu is particularly dissonant to a modern reader. This is something else I look forward to following. It will be cool to discuss the evolution of these racist stereotypes throughout the years. How does the depiction of the Mandarin change from 1965 to 2015? What do you guys think? I’d love to hear your feedback or questions. You can give me your question and opinions at the “Ask Me Anything” tab at the top of the page.


The next arc in Avengers was a good one as well. Issues 21 & 22 saw Enchantress create Power Man using the same technology that created Wonder Man (Avengers #9) and the two of them successfully frame the Avengers and split them apart. Remember how I mentioned the in-fighting going on at Avengers HQ in the last arc? Well, it’s SO. MUCH. WORSE. in this arc, making if fairly easy for our dastardly duo to frame the Avengers and let them come apart at the seams, blaming each other for their failure to stop the frame-job. Issue 21 ends with the City Council of NYC declaring the Avengers illegal and forcing them to disband. The Avengers go their separate ways, and eventually Wanda, Pietro, and Hawkeye end up getting jobs at the circus. What they soon realize is that this isn’t a normal circus, but one run by the Masters of Menace. A fight breaks out, and when the cops show up, Ringmaster convinces the cops that the Avengers are robing them. It’s a little nuts to think that, even with the frame-job Enchantress and Power Man pulled off, the cops would believe a group of ex-cons over the Avengers, but whatever. The Avengers are forced to flee.

Meanwhile, Cap has gone undercover to try to get evidence that Power Man and Enchantress framed the Avengers. He gets a confession on tape, and then he and Power Man fight. The rest of the Avengers show up just in time to help. In the midst of the battle, Enchantress disappears, leaving Power Man to surrender because he apparently has no reason to continue without her. So, the Avengers take him and the tape to the police and have their names cleared. And then the police AND the Avengers just LET POWERMAN GO. Seriously guys. The guy is as strong as Wonder Man, and a criminal, and they just let him go. I can’t even. And then, just when you think everything is back to normal, Cap quits the Avengers!! No joke. He just up and quits, telling them to find themselves a new leader to fight with!!!


Some notable things I noticed in this arc: In past issues, we’ve been told that the Avengers keep their identities secret even from each other (for example, none of the Avengers know that Iron Man is actually Tony Stark). But, everyone seems to know that Captain America is Steve Rogers, and that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. On the flip side, Hawkeye’s identity is never mentioned, and we never see him out of costume, so no one seems to know he’s Clint Barton. This is interesting to me. Let’s keep this in mind as we move forward, and see how this plays out. Also, I just want to re-state that ‘60’s Hawkeye is a HUGE dickhead. Like, I can barely stand reading him. I constantly want to punch him in the face, and keep hoping that Cap is finally going snap and beat the crap out of him. Now, I know that he evolves into a much more likable character, so I can’t wait to get to that point. But for now, I’ll just relish in my hatred for him!

That’s all for now my loves. Come back next time, when we’ll meet one of the X-Men’s central foes and witness the beginning of a war that will define the X-Universe for decades to come!! (I can’t wait!!!) So, until then…keep searching!!

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1965…It’s Crazy!

Hello, my loves!

I’ve been on a reading spree! Work’s been slow, and the baby’s been a peach, so I’ve had a lot more reading time than I expected! Hooray for small victories!

Anyway, I managed to read: The X-Men 9-12 and Avengers #16-18. So, lets talk about them! I’m not going to give you in-depth summaries of each issue, but we will talk about them individually since now we’re starting to get introductions to a lot of new characters and I want to let you guys know which specific issues these characters show up in!

In X-Men #9, the team travels to Europe to help Professor X defeat Lucifer. We learn that Lucifer is responsible for the Prof’s paralysis, but are never told what actually happens. This is also the first (of many) time that the X-Men battle the Avengers. Fun, right? It’s actually pretty dumb. The Prof is below ground with Lucifer trying to stop him from blowing up the world with a bomb that is monitored by Lucifer’s heartbeat. Because of this, they can’t let the Avengers hurt him or the bomb will detonate. But instead of just TELLING the Avengers this, the X-Men fight them to stall while the Prof basically puts Lucifer in a coma and then he and Cyke dismantle the bomb just in the nick of time! Seriously. That’s what happens. Also, there’s no real winner in the battle between the X-Men and the Avengers, because it ends when Professor X telepathically explains the situation to Thor and he calls of the battle. Like, come on X-Men! Get it together. There’s no reason you couldn’t have done that from the beginning. But alas, this tends to be the pattern for fights between the Avengers and the X-Men. No one wants to stop for 2 seconds a talk it out…and you’ll see it happen over and over as we get further on in the project.

Also, can we talk about how, once the bomb is diffused, the X-Men just let Lucifer go?!? Seriously guys? He basically just almost blew up the whole world and you’re just going to let him go. Where’s the accountability? It’s bad enough you always let Magneto escape, but now you’re just letting the bad guys leave. This is my issue with ‘60’s comics, you guys. Everything is the worst threat they’ve ever faced, and then everything ends with absolutely no closure and the bad guy is never detained or captured. But enough about this issue, for one of my favorite characters is introduced in issue #10…

Welcome to The Savage Land, home of the Jungle King Ka-Zar and his adorable saber-tooth tiger Zabu! I love this issue! Basically, the X-Men are investigating a strange loin-cloth clad man who appears and saves a worker in Antarctica, and in the process find themselves in The Savage Land (which hasn’t been named as such yet, but, *spoiler alert*, it will be!) Almost immediately, Jean gets captured. (of course, because, duh guys! Girls are so much weaker than boys and are only allowed on the team to give the guys someone to drool over and rescue! Seriously! You’ll see it when we get to Avengers too!). While they’re trying to find her, Cyke, Iceman, and Beast (Angel’s off scouting the area) meet Ka-Zar and Zabu, who help them track down Jean and Angel and save them. And then, just as Cyke is making some speech about how Ka-Zar is their friend now, Ka-Zar basically shoves them out of The Savage land and caves in the tunnel behind them! It’s great! I love Ka-Zar so much because he just doesn’t care at all. Okay, enough about the Savage Land though, because next month starts our second book! So, without further ado, AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!

Okay, I lied. No Avengers QUITE yet. First we have to read X-men #11 so we know what happens that causes two wayward mutants to end up in the Avengers book! So, in X-Men #11, we meet The Stranger for the very first time! Remember him, because he’s going to show up in books all across the 616! Anyway, this is his first appearance and it’s a lot of fun. Just like with Namor, Professor X and Magneto are racing to recruit what they think is a powerful new mutant. Of course, Mags gets to him first, and the X-Men must battle with the Brotherhood. But during the fight, The Stranger becomes bored with everything, turns Mastermind into stone, and disappears with Mags and Toad. He grows to enormous size as the X-Men catch up and then leaves for outer space with Mags & Toadie to “study” their mutations; leaving our X-Men foe-less and Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch debt-less and free. Which brings us to…

Avengers #16: The new team! Avengers joins the reading list at this point because it is here that Iron Man, Giant-Man, and The Wasp decide to take leaves of absence from the Avengers and begin looking for replacements. And who do they select, but our very own Maximoff twins! (And Hawkeye…) This makes the team Captain America, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch. And, since at this point, X-Men was only being published every other month and Avengers was being published every month, it’s on to Avengers #17…

In which our new team goes looking for the Hulk and finds Mole Man instead, we learn that Hawkeye is a dickhead, and that Wanda doesn’t need to fight, just stand around and look pretty for the guys! EWW!! Seriously guys, I hate ‘60′s Hawkeye!

In issue #18, Cap falls for a phony transmission supposedly sent from an underground resistance movement in Vietnam asking for help. (It’s really the Commissar setting a trap). The team takes off *Asia immediately, because it’s 1965 and Communism = BAD guys! Once there, we follow the  pattern from X-Men #10, so Wanda is captured right away and used as bait for the guys. After each of them tries, and fails, to beat the Commissar, Wanda finally gets to fight and even saves the day! But wait!! Not before Cap explains to her EXACTLY what to do…*grr* OMG, guys, I can’t even handle this shit anymore. It hurts my brain to read Jean and Wanda portrayed as damsels in distress when once we get to more modern books, these two are going to be major bad-asses. Like, WAY more powerful than any of these guys that always have to save them. It’s gross to read. I know some of you lovelies may tell me to get over it and get off my soap-box. After all, this was just the way things were in the ‘60′s. But I won’t. Just cause it “just was” that way doesn’t mean it isn’t SUPER hard to read as a modern reader who expects strong, independent female heroes. Just sayin’…

I know I said I also read The X-Men #12, but that’s the first half of a two part-er that introduces the X-Men’s massive (*wink, wink*) new baddie, so I’ll wait to talk about it until I’ve finished reading the whole arc.

So, until next time, my loves…keep searching!

(And a quick note: You can follow along with every post by following these tags: #thexmenproject and #searchingforgenosha)

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Omnibuses or Omnibi?

Turns out it’s Omnibuses! Also, here are some pics of the X-Men Omnibus Vol. 1 that I wish I was reading all these original X-Men issues from!

Image result for the x-men omnibus, vol. 1 (hardcover)

This is the Omnibus that collects X-Men #1-31. The cover art is the original Jack Kirby art from X-Men #1. Marvel also released a variant cover with a recreation of the Kirby cover done by Alex Ross. (below)

Image result for x-men omnibus alex ross cover

While I get the appeal of Ross’s work, I much prefer the original Kirby cover. Mostly just because he did the art for the issues within the Omnibus, so it seems fitting to have his art on the cover as well!

Anyway, one day I will own this baby! Until then, I’ll be reading the first 31 issues of X-Men on Marvel Unlimited. Being the bibliophile I am, I seriously like reading paper copies of issues better then reading online. But, in all fairness, there’s NO WAY I’d be able to get this whole project done without this awesome subscription! If you’re short on cash, or don’t have the time to go searching for physical back-issues or trades, but want to read older Marvel stuff, seriously consider this option. They’ve uploaded almost all of their marquee titles! Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Hulk, Spider-Man, etc. And new releases get added no too long after they’re available in print.

Like I said, I prefer physical copies, so MU is my fall back when I can’t find them. When I’m buying comics or trades, my first stop is always my local comic shop, Carol & John’s Comics. This place is geek heaven! Seriously. I’ve been going to CNJ since I started reading comics, and Dan had been going for years before that. The staff is knowledgeable, helpful, and super nice. They’ll help you find anything, recommend new books, and are always willing to discuss not just their favorite comics, but pretty much anything related to pop or geek culture. They also throw amazing events throughout the year! Every year on Free Comic Book Day, they have an epic midnight party for their adult readers, and then, throughout the day on FCBD, they have events and giveaways and such for readers of all ages. There are Black Friday sales, Christmas parties, parties for Superman’s anniversary, you name it. I’ll cover these as the blog continues and I attend them! For any readers in the Greater Cleveland area, stop in and check them out! They’re in the Kamm’s Corners Plaza in Westpark! And for my non-CLE readers, I encourage you to seek out a locally owned comic shop near you. These places can be a great resource for projects like this, and also just great places to talk comics and meet new friends!

Well, that’s all for now, as I have a lot more reading to do! Until next time my loves…keep searching!

Original Tumblr Post: here