Hello, Loves!!

So…for a month or so now, I’ve been blogging over on Tumblr about my adventures reading through every comic featuring an X-Man or mutant in publication order. It’s been a blast thus far, but I’m starting to feel like maybe Tumblr isn’t the best place for my long, wordy posts! So, I’m contemplating moving the whole show over here to WordPress, or perhaps even self-hosting a blog.

I really want this to be something lots of people read, and Tumblr is hard to get followers on if the posts are just rebloged pictures and the like. So, I’m going to slowly move over the posts I’ve already written, and then I’ll be posting in both places for awhile, until I can see how much traffic and such I get over here vs. Tumblr.

Anyway, stick around and we’ll start the journey from the beginning, my loves!